The genus Cryptochloa consists of nine species distributed from northern Central America to northwest South America. It is characterized by flat leaves and many nodes in the upper part of the culm. Eight species are reported in Panama, four of which are endemic. The objective of this study is to compare the leaf internal anatomy and epidermis of four species from this genus: C. concinna, C. decumbens, C. dressleri and C. variana. Fresh leaves were collected from five individuals of each species in Cerro Jefe in Chagres National Park (Panama Province), Altos de Campana National Park (Panama Province), and Santa Rita Arriba (Colón Province). Transverse cuts from the middle of each leaf were fixed and mounted in permanent microscope slides; micrographs of these slides were used to document leaf internal structure. The structure of the epidermis of each leaf was documented using a scanning electron microscope. The observed characteristics were recorded in a matrix, transformed using Multivariate Statistical Package, and analyzed using Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean. This resulted in grouping C. concinna with C. dressleri and C. decumbens with C. variana.