Parasites in the digestive and blood systems comprise a wide group of protozoa and helminths, which directly or indirectly influence the health status of their hosts (Negroni, 2009). It is important to determine the absence or presence and frequency of parasites as potential causes of diseases in snakes. Parasitological analyzes constitute techniques for the sanitary monitoring of wild and captive populations (García, 2013). In this investigation we confirmed parasites in Bothrops asper, Bothriechis schlegelii, Lachesis stenophrys, and Porthidium nasutum. A total of 75 fecal and blood samples were analyzed, using the Bailenger and Sheather stool techniques. We identify the prevalence of parasites such as Eimeria sp. (72%), Hymenolepis sp. (52%), and Strongylus sp. (88%). By Giemsa staining for hemoparasites, Hepatozoon sp.