The limnetic zooplankton community of Fortuna Lake, Chiriqui Province was characterized for the first time. Samples were taken in three zones (Arena Creek, Hornito river and Sitio de Presa) during November 2001. Superficial plankton samples tows were taken with standard nets of 80 and 300 microns. The following water parameters were determined in situ: temperature, dissolved oxygen, transparency, and pH. Eight limnetic zooplankton species (one cyclopoid copepod, three water fleas or cladocerans: Diaphanosoma brachyurum, Ceriodaphnia cornuta, and Pseudosida bidentata, and four rotifers: Brachionus spp. and Keratella sp.) were the most abundant toward the Sitio de Presa. Fortuna water quality presented variable parameters, with an average transparency of 2.0 m, dissolved oxygen higher than 4.0 p.p.m. within the first 15 m, and temperature of 16.0-19.0 oC. Fortuna aquatic community was represented by a variety group of birds(4), mammals(1), fishes(5), macroinvertebrates(3) and diatoms(39).