The percentage composition of each grain texture was precisely quantified as well as the texturales statistical parameters and the levels of metal concentration (Cu, Cd, Zn and Pb) in superficial sediments of 15 points of collect of the Bay of Panama. The results indicate that the predominant texture is the sandy one, being the abundant fractions the fine sand (FS) > average sand (AS) > heavy sand (HS). Was not uniformity in the size of grain in the different sedimentary deposits. The 58,3% of sediments are badly classified and the 41,7% very badly classified. They were differentiate the sediments leptokurtics (Coast of the East, Incline, Naos), very leptokurtics (Santo Tomás), extremely leptokurtics (Old Panama) and mesokurtics (Matasnillo). The percentage of organic matter in the Bay of Panama were low, between 0.13 and 1,23%. The concentrations of Cu varied from 17 to 45 ?g.g-1. The Cd showed concentrations that oscillated between 0.13 to 0.58 ?g.g-1. , the content of Zn fluctuated between 27 and 73 ?g.g-1. The Pb varied between 19 and 433 ?g.g-1. The metals did not show significant correlation with the organic matter, except the Cd (r = 0.40). In general the distribution of the organic matter did not condition the distribution of the trace metals in superficial sediments of the Bay. The trace metals were accumulated preferably in fine, smaller sediments of 125 ?m (> 3F). Clear evidences exist that the ecosystem is impacted by Pb .