Chame - Bejuco region is located 60 lan SW of Panama City and has approximately lO km2. The geology of this area presents layers of sand, alluvium, ashes and volcano rocks. This volcano material presents little fractures and cracks, thus, the principal aquilins are constituted by conglomerate and sands. The Groundwater Deparlinent of (he Natinal Institute of Aqueducts and Sewerages of the Republic of Panama (DFS/IDAAN) drilled 17 wells in this arca aix! perfonned 59 vertical electrical soundings (VES) in 1986, both with hydrogeological purposes. These data were interpreted using one, bi and dime-dimensional modeis. The used a!gorithms were ID fonard and inverse wih ridge regression approaches; 2D inverse scheme known as smoothness-constrained least-squares with the forward problem using numerical techniques as Imite diferences and Imite elements; and, 3D forward problem with otimized Imite diferences. Based on theses inteipretations, (he VES were classified in four types of curves, which revea! that (he first and third family of curves present highly resistive layers that correspond to conglomerate and sand horizons, respectively. Also, resistivity pmfi!es and contour maps reveal an average thickness of 80 m for (he main sand aquifer, located m the depression where (he resistive basement form in the N part of the arca, and, 150 m for conglomerate aquifer in the W sector. flie geoelectrical sections, the numerical modelling and (he pumping well tests of (he boreho!es show us that the N sector is the best to dril boreholes, with the W sector in the second place. For this reason, ni this work we chose the N sector to drill more wells, where (he well No. 18 was drilled and became (he bestofthe areawith 150 gpm.