This work shows the application of the analysis of time series to the number of animals inspected daily between January and October of 2004, in 6 (six) out of 7(seven) posts of the department of Control of Animals Mobilization (CMA), which is part of the eradication program and prevention of the barrenador worm of the COPEG cattle (Panama- United States Commission for the Eradication and Prevention of the cattle worm (Cochliomya hominivorax) program. The methodology developed by Box-Jenkins is used in order to fit to a series a special type of models, named ARIMA (Autorregresive Integrated Moving Average). The results showed that the number of animals inspected daily presents an average constant through time, meaning that in the studied months the daily registry average is approximately the same, does not happen a growth or considerable diminution that may indicate some change in the animal fluidity inspected in these control posts; also this series turned out to be dominated by a seasonal component, with an approximated regularity of 7 days.