We made observations on the vertical distribution of euglosinas orchid bees in a tropical rainforest, Monte Fresco, Cerro Azul, Panama province, Panamá. Three strata were considered: understory (up to 1.5 m), canopy (20-25 m) and mid-canopy (between the canopy and understory (10-15 m). A total of 963 males belonging to 22 species in the genera Eufriesea, Euglossa, and Eulaema were captured using McPhail eucalyptus oil traps. Euglossa imperialis, Euglossa variabilis and Euglossa tridentata were the most abundant species and were captured in all canopy-strata. Significant differences in the diversity and abundance of bees among the different canopy strata of the forest were found; the canopy showed the greatest diversity and abundance. Stratification of vegetation in the tropical humid forests of Monte Fresco creates differential environmental conditions at each stratum that determine the distribution of orchid bees, such that some species can be found with maximum frequency in the forest.