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Enviado junho 29, 2023
Publicado 2023-07-04


v. 3 n. 1 (2023): REICIT

Evolution of Priorities in Scientific English for Geology Students


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DOI: 10.48204/reict.v3n1.3953

Publicado: 2023-07-04

Como Citar

De León , E. (2023) “Evolution of Priorities in Scientific English for Geology Students”, REICIT, 3(1), p. 113–122. doi: 10.48204/reict.v3n1.3953.


The current work represents the first longitudinal research portraying the students' shift in ESP topics preferences for Scientific English for Geology. The study comprises the statistical analysis from two extemporary cohorts—student generations—4 years apart. Convenience sampling was applied on both occasions (the entire population at the time of the study), and an Independent Student-T test was used to test the change hypothesis. The results reflect that the latter cohort (the most recent generation) has more interest in learning Scientific English than the previous generation.


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