Barba, L., Ruiz, C., Rodríguez, D., & Perén, J. I. (2020). PLAN DE MOVILIDAD URBANA SUSTENTABLE DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE PANAMÁ (PLAMUP): ETAPA 1. SusBCity, 2(1), 50–53. Retrieved from
The Central campus of the University of Panama (UP) is free for more than 25,000 users, among students, professors and administrators who move in different means of transport, mainly in the subway. Currently, the central Campus of the UP has among its main problematic problems the lack of parking and high traffic in and around the sector, especially in the afternoon hours. This paper proposes a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan composed of a feasibility study, awareness actions, bike lanes and a bicycle lending system. The proposed cycleways connect the central campus of the UP with the nearest metro stations (Iglesia del Carmen and Vía Argentina) thus helping not only students to move in a different and fast way but also to raise awareness among citizens about the importance of a sustainable mobility system integrated with public transport.