January 9, 1964, marked permanently the history of the Panamanian nation. However, each year on this date, it becomes evident that many Panamanians largely ignore the events that happened on this date. This is why, it becomes feasible to complete a Project that may allow present and future generations the understanding of the role played by Panamanian heroes and martyrs on such a date. This is the reason why we have decided to design an archivistic and historical proposal that may lead us to begin a journey through the documents in Panama City and trace back the role played by people, institutions, civic groups, and politicians, among others, then within the scenario of events that shattered the country on January 9, 10, and 1 1, 1964. Our proposal intends to rescue and disseminate the facts that have shaped the historic memory of the happenings which are safeguarded in photographs, church, archives, monuments, electronic documents and videos, not to ignore the art and cultural evidence resulting from said historic saga, registered in poems, stories, canvas, murals, and so on.