In this article we do not seek to generate an investigation to answer a particular question, or give solutions to an unfinished situation, however, what we are looking for, is to establish a series of ideas, concepts and, above all, generate a debate either intra or extra personal, in which the role of the new -cosmovisions- of the being-subject are part of the center-spinal analysis, as well as from the peripheries of the problem-system as such, in the first section we work on the definition of what is to be human in a general context, not an easy task, however, as we lucubrate about it we find aspects to investigate in greater depth the issue itself. Subsequently, we analysed from a socio-philosophical ontological perspective posthumanism as a problem of the 21st century, approaching historicist approaches, to evoke us to reflect on current and future developments of new technologies, as well as their interaction with man. It is necessary to put in context this dynamic that is developing and how contemporary societies are assuming these roles in postmodernity, as well as the emergence of facts that demonstrate how we are increasingly closer to dystopian societies, than imagined.