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Submitted May 24, 2021
Published 2020-01-06

Research Articles

Vol. 26 No. 22 (2020): Enfoque


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Published: 2020-01-06

How to Cite

González, G. I., & Gordón de Isaacs, L. (2020). MEANINGS OF CULTURAL CARE, HEALTH AND A DRUG FREE LIFE. Enfoque, 26(22), 50–59. Retrieved from


The Guna culture has thousands of years and through them it has preserve its traditions and customs, annexed to the region is the route of trander by land and sea of drug trafficking and the problem of consumption in the young population (MIDES, 2009). The purpose of this study is to describe the meaning of cultural care, in relation to a healthy and drug-free life for teenagers between 10 and 14 years of age, within their environmental context of life. The patterns of cultural care discovered were described and analyzed, using the methodology of ethno-nursing, which establishes the theory of diversity and universality of Cultural care established by Madeleine Leininger (1991, 1995), which made it possible to obtain the results within the study domain. According to the steps of the method, six (6) young people or key informants, and twelve (12) general informants participated, which included teachers, parents, nurses among others; to which interviews were conducted related to the study domain. As a result, we obtained eighty-seven (87) categories that allowed generating thirty-five (35) patterns and these, in turn generated, four universal themes and 3 diverse, related to the cultural care, values and beliefs of the Guna teenagers.

Through the study, it was possible to confirm the assumptions and premises raised by Dr. Leininger in her theory. The patterns were analyzed and the modes of nursing action were established in each one of them; In addition, a new empirical finding was discovered that will feed the theory, as is the advice, which characterizes the meaning of the cultural care of Guna adolescent.


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