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Submitted June 4, 2021
Published 2021-06-04


Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): REVISTA FAECO SAPIENS

Design of a system of evaluation of the efficiency of the supply of the Patronato Hospital Santo Tomas of Panama

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Published: 2021-06-04

How to Cite

Martínez, S. I. (2021). Design of a system of evaluation of the efficiency of the supply of the Patronato Hospital Santo Tomas of Panama. Revista FAECO Sapiens, 4(2), 62–81. Retrieved from


This research aims to study the analysis of the processes in the public health system within the country in order to find the supply mechanism and drug supply management to establish and determine its incidence in the warehouse and pharmacy areas in hospital institutions. public in Panama City. Many factors lead to shortages and therefore, every month storable drugs are reported out of stock in the warehouse. Emphasis will be placed on proposing the implementation of a supply program to improve our drug delivery system in the different public hospitals in the country, since various activities can be carried out to help with logistics. We provide various contributions through the development of an internal administrative process, based on a web system for the supply, control and management of supplies and medicines, of the Hospital Santo Tomas de Panamá, to guarantee the lives of users by receiving fair treatment , effective care and a better quality of life as an acquired right and established in the Constitution.


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