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Submitted July 15, 2020
Published 2020-07-15


Vol. 4 No. 2: Orbis Cognita

The multimethod as a strategy to develop accounting investigation


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DOI: 10.48204/j.orbis.v4n2a11

Published: 2020-07-15

How to Cite

Charres, H. (2020). The multimethod as a strategy to develop accounting investigation. Revista Científica Orbis Cógnita, 4(2), 190–202.


This article proposes a starting point for reflection on accounting research in university academic work. In particular, on the methodology that makes effective the generation and appropriation of knowledge in the disciplinary area. Descriptive research is carried out to reveal the perception that teachers and students get from the Multi-method approach as a strategy to develop accounting research. The information was collected based on a descriptive design through surveys, interviews, and document analysis. The information collected through the instruments was analyzed, interpreted and represented through figures. The perception of the participants on this study is that accounting research should be strengthened, through strategies such as the implementation of the Multi-method approach.


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