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Submitted July 15, 2020
Published 2020-07-15


Vol. 4 No. 2: Orbis Cognita

Return to Marx in times of pandemic


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DOI: 10.48204/j.orbis.v4n2a13

Published: 2020-07-15

How to Cite

Pérez Valdés, M. (2020). Return to Marx in times of pandemic. Revista Científica Orbis Cógnita, 4(2), 222–234.


This text proposes to re-read the Theses on Feuerbach, emphasizing the validity and importance of the dialectical materialist conception of history summarized in them. It critically addresses the possibility of the transformation of the world by human beings; as well as reflecting on the crisis suffered by the subjectivity caused by Capitalism. In times of pandemic, this crisis expands exponentially, revealing the fissures of an alienating, violent, and destructive system of social relations.


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