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Submitted March 13, 2019
Published 2019-01-31


Vol. 3 No. 1: Orbis Cognita

Relationship of the Emotional Intelligence and the Performance of the administrative workers of the Regional University Center of San Miguelito

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Published: 2019-01-31

How to Cite

Córdoba G., N. (2019). Relationship of the Emotional Intelligence and the Performance of the administrative workers of the Regional University Center of San Miguelito. Revista Científica Orbis Cógnita, 3(1), 24–46. Retrieved from


The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Labor Performance of the administrative staff of the University Regional Center of San Miguelito, the study is supported theoretically by Mayer and Salovey (1993), Goleman (1995, 1996, 2000), Cooper and Sawaf (2001), Chiavenato (2002), Robbins (2004) and Benavides (2002) and others.

It is carried out within the positivist paradigm, descriptive type and correlational quantitative, observational, non-experimental correlational trancectional design.

The population and sample was 60 administrative workers of the Regional University Center of San Miguelito.

Two instruments, Likert scale type, were used. The Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire of Cooper and Sawaf (1998) and the Performance Evaluation Questionnaire adapted according to the evaluation criteria used by the University of Panama. In this way, both instruments showed the levels of Emotional Intelligence and the performance levels of each of the administrative workers of the Higher Education Institution.

As a result of this investigation it was concluded that due to the low but significantly moderate correlation evidenced by the low correlation coefficient in the statistical analysis, it can be said that there is no relationship between the level of Emotional Intelligence and the level of Performance of the administrative workers of the University Regional Center of San Miguelito.


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