The study aims to identify the relationship between the practice of alcohol consumption in adolescents with family permissiveness. This purpose, a census (547 adolescents, 299 women and 248 men) was conducted among ninth and twelfth grade students in four public schools in the province of Darien. The investigation showed that six out of ten students in the selected schools had consumed alcohol. Men outnumber women by more than ten percentage points. In relation to the average age of onset, it is evident that women start drinking alcohol earlier (14 years) than their male counterparts (15 years). Among adolescent consumers, 5/10 women consumed alcohol for the first time in their homes or in that of a family member. In the case of men, on the contrary, 6/10 does so outside the family context. At the risk factor analysis (OR) level, a value of 0.175 is obtained, which, being different from 1, indicates an association and, being less than 1, specifies that non-permissive families become a factor of protection against consumption alcohol in adolescents.