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Submitted July 17, 2024
Published 2024-07-18


Vol. 26 No. 2 (2024): Societas

The family-school alliance as a cross-cutting axis for sexual education : a systematic review


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DOI: 10.48204/societas.v26n2.5346

Published: 2024-07-18

How to Cite

García-Zambrano , M. A. (2024). The family-school alliance as a cross-cutting axis for sexual education : a systematic review. Societas, 26(2), 211–241.


Sexuality education is a topic that throughout history has been the center of controversies, criticism and fears, which is why this article aims to identify the need for a school-family alliance for the training of adolescents in sexuality and its influence on your life project; This objective was achieved through the review of the scientific literature in Spanish and English that addressed this topic between the years 2014-2023 in different databases such as Scopus, Taylor and Francis online, Pubmed, Scielo, Eumed, Redalyc, Science Direct, Google Scholar and repositories from different universities at a national and international level; Through this search it was possible to understand the importance that the institutions of family and school play, the first is an institution that has historically fulfilled training functions that were later delegated mostly to the school, which became a space for discernment and great influence for young people, so it could be concluded that although there are many shortcomings in the sexual education that is provided both in the family and at school, it is essential that these two instances are integrated into the teaching process in the field of education. sexuality to achieve greater adherence to the concepts and their implementation in all areas of their lives, since it has been observed that when young people have a life plan, they tend to make more conscious and informed decisions about their sexuality.


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