This article considers basic concepts of entrepreneurship in nursing professionals. Entrepreneurship has the challenge of creating new conditions, innovating, improving existing realities, allowing better goods and / or services to be provided to the community and responding to the needs of society. The objective is to analyze the challenges of the Nursing professional in the development of entrepreneurship. The information gathering technique is a review based on current scientific evidence on the phenomenon of the challenges of the nursing professional in entrepreneurship in scientific articles. Results Overcome cultural barriers, challenges to be adaptive, Make decisions, Set precedents in the face of the competition, Stop living in uncertainty, Know how to recognize opportunities, Loneliness, Reinvent yourself permanently, as a business initiative that you are going to undertake, motivation based on the A nursing professional can undertake according to the needs related to the field in which he works, developing new models of services, building his own company.
With this overview, it is expected to face the challenges that the nursing professional has when undertaking, strengthening professional training, transcending cultural barriers