This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the incidence of Cavitary Corpora Lútea (CLc) or compact (CLcom) in cicling bovine females. Subsequently, the findings were correlated with the reproductive longevity category and the effectiveness of the diagnosis of one or another type of corpus luteum was evaluated by manual palpation against a diagnosis aided by ultrasonography. The study consisted of evaluating functional ovaries in 200 cows slaughtered in slaughterhouse obtained randomly, where the quantity and proportion of CLc and CLcom were determined; taking into account the classification of cows by category of reproductive longevity (olds, adults and youngs). The ovaries were taken to the laboratory to be evaluated visually, manually and ultrasonographically, using an ultrasound scanner with a linear probe of 7.5 Mhz. The presentation of CLc was slightly higher than CLcom (115 vs 85). With respect to the CLc area, these were higher than the area of the compacts and might support the assumption that the amount of luteal tissue present in thems can replace that part that does not appear to exist in its cavity place. The reproductive longevity did not influence the presentation of CLc. No differences were found in the frequency of presentation of corpus luteum, diagnosed by ultrasound or palpation. However, ultrasound diagnostic was superior as a diagnostic method to differentiate CLc from CLcom.