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The magazine “Más TIC” is a technology and science magazine, published by the Faculty of Informatics, Electronics and Communication of the University of Panama. It is intended for the dissemination of topics of scientific interest to students, teachers and researchers from all over the country and the world.

The journal focuses on the following topics: Applied Informatics, Information Theory and Data Science, Software Engineering, Technological Infrastructure, Electronics and Microelectronics, Telecommunications and Networks, Control and Instrumentation, Systems and Signals Analysis, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Current Topics related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and related areas.

“Más TIC” publishes articles that, in the opinion of the Editorial Committee, are of technological and scientific interest in general, and that comply with the Regulations established by the Journal. Each article will be published according to what the Editorial Committee indicates according to its characteristics. These options are: Editorial, Perspectives, Original Articles, Review Topics, Brief Communications, Comments, Letters to the Editor and any other option that may be necessary to add at any given time.

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| | Open Access


Industry 4.0 in 5G era: Oportunities and Challenges in Home Automation through Internet of Things.

35 – 44 | | Open Access

Considerations about IoT in the Building Design, Construction and Maintenance Management

57 – 63 | | Open Access

Semi-autonomous search and rescue robot architecture of Fast manufacturing

64 - 72 | | Open Access