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Submitted February 1, 2023
Published 2023-02-01


Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): Revista Científica Orbis Cógnita

Reflections on the didactics of teaching and the construction of argumentative texts in schoolchildren

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Published: 2023-02-01

How to Cite

Salcedo Murillo , Z. A. (2023). Reflections on the didactics of teaching and the construction of argumentative texts in schoolchildren. Revista Científica Orbis Cógnita, 7(1), 108–122. Retrieved from


This article presents some guidelines on the argumentative text, which when written requires a broader cognitive function that must be channeled, in the case of schoolchildren, with a well-planned teaching didactics. The objective of this research is to reflect on the didactics of teaching and the construction of argumentative texts in schoolchildren. For the development of this study, the qualitative approach is considered, supported by the bibliographic or documentary review of different sources. The results of this documentary or theoretical research show that teachers, when dealing with the teaching of argumentative texts, must appropriate techniques or strategies that develop in the student the mastery over the elaboration of these types of texts, in order to defend their ideas, their points of view or opinions about a certain topic. Finally, regarding the teaching of the argumentative text, It is recommended that its writing should be learned, in the classroom, exercising it or applying it to various communicative contexts that allow testing the validity of a thesis through the support or demonstration of the facts raised.


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