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Submitted July 26, 2024
Published 2024-07-29


Vol. 8 No. 2 (8): Revista Científica Orbis Cognita

Psychological intervention to mitigate the impact of psychosocial factors affecting teaching performance


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DOI: 10.48204/j.orbis.v8n2.a5463

Published: 2024-07-29

How to Cite

Mendoza Sierra, N. E., Mancheno Paredes, L. P., & Lluguay Bajaña, K. L. (2024). Psychological intervention to mitigate the impact of psychosocial factors affecting teaching performance. Revista Científica Orbis Cógnita, 8(2), 9–23.


The main objective of the project was to address the psychosocial factors that impact the professional performance of teachers at the Technical University of Babahoyo (UTB). To achieve this, various activities were implemented, such as psychological interventions, surveys, workshops and talks, in order to identify and treat these problems, highlighting the lack of prior analysis in this area. Psychological interventions were identified as essential to improve the quality of teaching performance. During the development of the project, significant challenges were encountered, especially in teachers with multiple roles, which negatively impacted their work performance. The methodology included phases of psychodiagnosis, information collection, psychological evaluation through tests and questionnaires, as well as intervention activities such as workshops and talks focused on psychosocial factors, low work performance and healthy role management. The execution, monitoring and evaluation process was carried out in accordance with the standards of this educational institution. As a result, an improvement was observed in the well-being and performance of the participating teachers, thus contributing to filling a previous gap in research on this topic at the institution. In conclusion, the project demonstrated the importance of addressing psychosocial factors in the educational field to improve teaching performance and general well-being at UTB.


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