To determine the presence of intestinal parasites in dogs living in the townships of San Martín de Porres and Canto del Llano, Santiago de Veraguas, Panama; a total of 46 stool samples were collected and analyzed by direct smear measurement and the MacMaster quantitative technique. The overall frequency of positive samples for both methods was 60.9 and 73.9%, respectively. The parasite eggs mostly found belonged to the genus Ancylostoma sp. sp. For San Martín de Porres, with the direct method, a frequency of 57.7% was found and with the MacMaster technique 53.8%; while in Canto del Llano it was 50% and 65%, respectively. The other genera found, but less frequently, were: Trichuris sp. sp., Toxocara sp. sp., Ascaris sp. sp., Paragonimus sp., Uncinaria sp. sp., and coccidia. No significant difference was observed regarding the positivity of parasites between the sampling areas and there was no evidence of a link between the condition of the samples and the place of origin. The MacMaster egg concentration analysis determined that the Canto del Llano locality had a higher number of eggs per gram of feces.