In recent decades there have been radical demographic changes around the world, these changes have created a severe impact on the nature of tourism demand. Senior tourism, that is, that for older adults, represents a real demand at the global level, which claims to be served according to its particularities. This paper aims to analyze the key aspects of senior tourism: its conceptualization, the profile of the senior tourist, and the determinants of their travel decisions. A systematic review was carried out electronically on the Web-of-Science, ScienceDirect, Redalyc and ReseachGate bases through the National Consortium of Scientific and Technological Information Resources (CONRICYT). including Articles in English and Spanish published from 2010 to 2020. The results suggest that the market requires the offer of tourist products and services according to the needs, expectations and characteristics of seniors; and on the other hand, to the importance of analyzing the determinants that condition your opportunity to travel. The review made it possible to identify the profiles of senior tourists, their typology and the characteristics of each group.