Samples of aphids and their natural enemies were carried out in three citrus farms in the province of Cocle during 14 collection dates between January and September 2002. Shoots infested with aphids and their natural enemies were collected manually in 15 to 40 trees per farm. To determine the population fluctuations of winged aphids and their adult predators, they were collected weekly with yellow pan traps and by manual collection. The data was correlated with rainfall. Natural enemies were two species of Coccinellidae (Scymnus sp. Cycloneda sanguinea), three species of Syrphidae (Ocyptamus gastrostactus, O. dimidiatus and Pseudodorus clavatus), one species of Chrysopidae (Chrysopa sp.) and the parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae). The only predator species of aphids captured in yellow traps was C. sanguinea with maximum population peaks in January. A low relationship between the population fluctuations of aphids and C. Sanguinea was found.