952 specimens of the subfamily Epyrinae which represents 9 genera, 79 species and 22 morfospecies were collected in Panama. The most diverse genera were Epyris with 26 and Rhabdepyris with 23 species. Bocas Del Toro and Darien were the sites with the highest diversity with an overall of 37 species for each one. The lowest diversity was found in the province of Colon with 7 species only. The species most been collected was the Bakeriella montivaga with 214 specimens, of which the majority was collected in the Province of Darien. Anisepyris fasciipennis Kieffer, 1906 with 89 specimens was the species with greater distribution, since it was collected in the 8 sites, and was the most captured in the Province of Panama. Additional details about the biology of the species of this subfamily can be found in this paper.