The descry of birds constitute one of the most promissory activity of ecoturism in rural communities, and well organized it can help promote economical resources for those who offer the service; and it may promote sustain development for Fortuna Forest Reserve. 299 species have been reported, which has been included in 214 genera, 50 families and 17 orders. This represents the 30.8% of all species reported in the country. Also include, 41 species of birds with restricted distribution, 12 endangered, 48 vulnerable, 4 with range N2 y 7 species with range N3. The analysis at species level, suggests that the majority of the birds belong to the second growth forest and stubbles from the lowlands, and lesser degree from premontano undisturbed forest. This later type of ecosistem could serve to explain the notable presence of species of great ornithology importance, including some rare, endangered and endemic species protected by national’s laws, CITTES, and UICN. The presence of species with limited range of habitat distribution is an excellent attraction for birds-watchers. Thus promotion of birds’ reservation along with and adequate selection of the sites could attract more watchers, professionals, scientists and nature watchers to build-up interest to discover the diversity of the area. Another aspect which contributes to project the role of Fortuna’s Forest Reserve, is to serve as a path for birds migration.