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Submitted July 8, 2024
Published 2024-07-11


Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): Centros: Revista Científica Universitaria

Environmental monitoring of the project study, design, construction and financing for the interconnection of Cinta Costera 3-Amador Causeholder


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DOI: 10.48204/j.centros.v13n2.a5288

Published: 2024-07-11

How to Cite

Young , N., & Murillo Godoy , V. (2024). Environmental monitoring of the project study, design, construction and financing for the interconnection of Cinta Costera 3-Amador Causeholder. Centros: Revista Científica Universitaria, 13(2), 52–73.


The purpose of environmental monitoring is to verify the severity and distribution of negative impacts and especially, when unforeseen impacts occur, to ensure the development of new mitigating measures or due compensation where they are needed. That is why the objective of this study was to verify the application and efficiency of the mitigation measures presented in the environmental impact studies of the project. Its methodology was developed in three phases: phase of Review and coordination with legal and environmental provisions established in Law 41 "General Environmental Law of Panama", phase of daily inspection and phase of environmental education. Of the 8 mitigation measures to be complied with, 87% compliance with the measures and 13% of the measures that were not complied with were obtained, which implies that compliance with the agreed mitigation measures was guaranteed, leaving as a result an environment without pollution and conserving the biodiversity of the studied area. Undoubtedly, this monitoring process served as a central element to verify the quality of the study and the environmental sustainability of human actions in the studied area, so that legal provisions must always be complied with and thus safeguard the quality of life of passersby in the surrounding area.


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