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Submitted July 9, 2020
Published 2020-06-15


Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020): REVISTA FAECO SAPIENS

Prevention, the best weapon to win the war on fraud


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DOI: 10.48204/j.faeco.v3n2a6

Published: 2020-06-15

How to Cite

Corpas Ford, M. (2020). Prevention, the best weapon to win the war on fraud. Revista FAECO Sapiens, 3(2), 84–95.


The present research of a descriptive explanatory approach with a documentary character, aims at a critical analysis of a topic that dates back to a time but that is still current: FRAUD, from the vision of prevention as the best weapon to win the war against this scourge, which affects the financial dynamics, transparency, image, ethics and morale of large and small institutions.

It is presented as a reflection that involves obtaining weapons or security rings against fraud, from the analysis as a whole, in a global and integrated way, since from this point of view prevention is everyone's and a daily work that should not rest, applied prevention, in all areas and procedures, and watch, take precedence over deviant events.

Security rings, as defined in this analysis, are fair and necessary since today's more competitive, technological and globalized world places us in front of great challenges, such as the scourge of fraud; Its impressive evolution, improvement and scope are core aspects that require effort, planning, analysis and awareness to overcome it. This is how, finally after the documentary and statistical bibliographic analysis that exists on the web, together with the one carried out, it shows us that the best tool against fraud is prevention.


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