This article presents a proposal for a training workshop on Emotional Intelligence (EI) aimed at teachers. The need for this proposal gives continuity to previous research and a systematic study of the topic from a theoretical and practical perspective. The research is of a mixed nature and techniques such as observation, surveys and statistical processing were used. Theoretical research was deepened to develop a proposal aimed at teachers. As a result of the documentary review and analysis of the data obtained from the surveyed teachers, a theoretical framework and conceptual foundations are justified in the complex topic of EI and the neuroeducational perspective. Neuroeducation is considered an emerging field and an innovative tool where education and neuroscience collaborate, with the latter justifying the importance of emotions. The importance of EI for teacher well-being and for the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process was verified. Deficiencies in the development of EI in teachers at all educational levels are revealed and the need for awareness and training in this area is evident. The main contribution of the article is a proposal aimed at emotional awareness and training in teaching at both basic and higher levels. In this way, new links were established that facilitate the acquisition of tools and skills related to EI, which are essential for making decisions and solving problems creatively.
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