Production of Rhizophora mangle was studied in a monoespecific mangrove in Isla de Cañas, Los Santos, Panamanian Pacific, in three plots of 10 m x 100 m, between January and April, dry season, and July and October 2007, rainy season. It was collected 14 litter trapping per plot of 0,25 m2. The litter fall consisted mainly of leaves, in the dry season it was 63,62 % of the total dry weight while in the rainy season 72,16 %. The mean annual production was 12 629 kg/ha/year, and the total productivity values of litter fall have no significance difference between seasons. Moreover, it was consider factors such as salinity, temperature, structure, climatic conditions according to the season in Isla Cañas. This information adds to the knowledge of mangrove Wildlife Refuge Isla Cañas, and serves as a baseline for creation of a comprehensive management plan.