The study was conducted in the river Pirre, within Darien National Park (PND) and buffer zone near to the Embera population of Pijibasal, in order to identify the fauna of aquatic insects, determine water quality and conservation status of the river Pirre. Field trips were conducted in April, August and December 2013 to collect specimens. The collections of aquatic insects were conducted using nets of fabric with mesh on the bottom. Aquatic insects caught in the river Pirre were identified at family level to determine water quality, applying BMWP indices from Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia. Most specimens were identified to genus and some to species. A total of 5,799 specimens representing taxa of ten orders were captured. The order with more specimens collected was Ephemeroptera, followed by Trichoptera and Coleoptera. The four orders with more registered families were Coleoptera, Trichoptera, Hemiptera and Odonata, each one with 9 families. The diversity of aquatics insects in Pirre River was represented by 50 families, of which 49 are considered with scores by some of the used BMWP indices. The values obtained using the BMWP indices indicate that water quality for the river Pirre is excellent both inside the park and the buffer zone. The results suggest that conservation programs within the PND are contributing to the excellent state of fauna and water quality of this river.