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The size and growth assessment of Lutjanus guttatus, L. peru, and L. argentiventris, captured by the artisanal fleet that disembarks in the community of Búcaro, Panama, for a period of six months, the size composition is described, the weight vs. height relationship, growth was estimated based on the monthly length structure, for which L?, catabolic coefficient k, the hypothetical age to for height 0, and the evaluation index of ? 'and the longevity A0.95, the von Bertalanffy equation was developed for each species and the analysis of the modal progression "VBGF". The length varied between 204 and 648 mm and the weight ranged between 85 and 3 373 g, in the three species, the relationship of these variables showed an isometric growth, the modal progression indicated two cohorts defined in L. guttatus, not so in the other species. The results are a baseline contribution for the development of the study of artisanal fishing biology in the Central American Pacific zone.