During the period between May 2001 to April 2002, 20 samples were done using fog nets on 10 sites of the Occidental Region of the province of Cocle. 25 of these nets were set at each site over the floor from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm, and continuously for 3 days during 2 seasons until 1000 net/hours were completed. The data obtained were calculated for the diversity of species using the Diversity Index of Shannon-Wienner (H?), the dominance, with the Dominance Index of Simpson (D) and the similarity with the similarity Index of Sorensen. 4 777 individuals were collected and then included in 2005 species, 28 families and 8 ordens. In general, Shannon (H?) diversity index, showed that apparently there is no difference in the diversity of the birds, which should caused because of the general disturbance suffered by the woods of the Occidental Region. The sites where the Simpson Index (D) were applied, showed higher values for Cerro Peñas Blanca (0.09), followed by Boquilla de la Mina (0.08), Cuatro Calles (0.07) and Rio Guabal Nacimiento (0.06). Finally, the sites that showed higher similarities of the species, were Cuatro Calles and La Sargenta (74.8). This similarity among both sites can be explained, by the fact that they are near to each other; so it is possible that displace movements occurs among these species.