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Submitted August 29, 2024
Published 2024-08-30


Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Vinculación universidad y sociedad

Disposal of Solid Waste in the Community of Tortí


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DOI: 10.48204/3072-9629.5620

Published: 2024-08-30


The inadequate disposal of solid waste represents a customary practice that compromises public health, causing damage to the environment. Nationwide, there are more than 65 open-air clandestine dumps. The District of Tortí covers approximately 500 m. long by 150 wide, noting the abundant proliferation of solid waste. To establish the socio-environmental impact generated by the disposal of waste from this landfill, a non-experimental, mixed, descriptive, and cross-sectional investigation. With a population of approximately 9,297 individuals, the survey technique to a convenience sample of 168 inhabitants. It was found that, although a large part of the respondents does not live near the landfill (47 %), they suffer negative impacts, determining that, although its location affects water sources, soil and air, there is environmental awareness in the population, which is the basis for the implementation of plans in the area.


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