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Submitted August 29, 2024
Published 2024-08-30


Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Vinculación universidad y sociedad

Impact of The Education Project for Responsible Citizenship in Panama : Obtaining the Personal Identity Card


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DOI: 10.48204/3072-9629.5629

Published: 2024-08-30


Investigate the impact of the Education for Responsible Citizenship program in Panama on the process of obtaining the personal identity card of students upon reaching the age of majority. A study of basic purpose, non-experimental, transversal, retrospective, observational of a qualitative nature was developed, which was based on participatory field work carried out by second-year students of the Bachelor of Education with specialization in Educational Guidance. and Professional, from the Regional University Center of Coclé of the University of Panama, in 2022 and 2023, in seven educational centers located in the province of Coclé. The students who developed the project managed to challenge and raise awareness among the students of the educational centers approached regarding their role as responsible citizens and the importance that they obtain the Personal Identity Card upon reaching the age of majority. No qualifying scientific evidence was found regarding the topic addressed in this work, making this report a fundamental tool as a source of consultation for future research and as a model for analyzing the results obtained by second-year students of the Bachelor's degree. in Education with specialization in Educational and Professional Guidance in its objective of instilling and raising awareness in the students of the educational centers approached regarding their role as responsible citizens and the importance of obtaining the Personal Identity Card upon reaching the age of majority, within the framework of democratic coexistence.


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