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Submitted August 29, 2024
Published 2024-08-30


Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Vinculación universidad y sociedad

Reading Preferences of Students of 9° Premedia of Official Schools of the Morning Shift of the School Region of San Miguelito


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DOI: 10.48204/3072-9629.5631

Published: 2024-08-30


A research was done to dertermine reading preferences among me 9° grade junior tugh students at monvng °hitt goverrnental schools at the School District of San !triguera° during the months of November and December of 2007 From a whole sample of 3 998 students who attend the 9° grade of junior high for fue acadernic penod of 2007 a sample whIch representa 10% of fue populabon was selected 423 students from 9° grade junior high students who were tested in a %entren evaluation consrsting in a questlonaire  at a dassroom (1) each from daylight govennenb31 sehool from fue sbdeen  (16) chosen for this research Basad on fue informaban gathered through  survey rt was proposed a readmg campaing among fue teenagers of Special District of San Miguelito with  purpose of supporting fue teactung and leaming process for students and improve fue Me status of fue residente  of this chstnct, malnly on teenagers.


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