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This article describes the process that was carried out for the elaboration, validation and reliability of a test of mathematical knowledge, which allows determining the level of management that primary level teachers have, specifically those who attend sixth grade, in terms of to the addition and subtraction of whole numbers. The initial test consisted of twenty items and after validation, by expert judges in this discipline, it was made up of fifteen items; seven in the whole number exercises section and eight in the whole number application problems section. The average Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient obtained in the validation of this test was 0.832, indicating a good internal consistency of the test. Subsequently, the pilot version of the test was applied to ten teachers, after the evaluation based on the pre-established criteria for each section, the analisis of the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient was applied, obtaining a value of 0.802, which indicates that the test is reliable and allows to achieve the objective for which it was designed.