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Submitted June 9, 2022
Published 2022-06-09


Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): REVISTA FAECO SAPIENS

The systems approach in Human Talent Management

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Published: 2022-06-09

How to Cite

Bazán de Franco, Y., & Tejedor Vergara, V. E. (2022). The systems approach in Human Talent Management. Revista FAECO Sapiens, 5(2), 23–45. Retrieved from


The research that has been carried out represents the effort to demonstrate, through theoretical conceptualizations, that is the theoretical basis and on the other hand the empirical basis collected in the research background resented in scientific articles, master´s and doctoral theses, the emergence and advancement of the discipline called today as Human talent Management until reaching the application in it of systems theory.   The theoretical-conceptual and empirical basis will be used in future research on the level of advancement of Human Talent Management in large companies in the District of Panama.


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