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The Aguas Blancas and Chorrerita rivers, located in the province of Coclé, are used for fishing by the surrounding inhabitants. An ichthyological study was conducted to analyze the physicochemical and microbiological parameters associated with water quality and its influence on fish abundance due to the importance of fishing. Seven fish species were captured in Aguas Blancas and ten in Chorrerita, with low diversity (H' = 0.59 and 0.71 respectively). The dominant species was Astyanax ruberrimus. Temperature and current speed did not show significant differences between the rivers. However, total dissolved solids had an average of 314 mg/L, which is normal for the development of fish populations. Unfavorable conditions were found regarding microbiological water quality in both rivers, with an average E. coli count of 1,935 ± 2,221 CFU/100 mL and total coliforms of 4,804 ± 5,165 CFU/100 mL. Statistical differences were observed in this group. Among the captured species, a few are of food interest: Rhamdia quelen, Rhamdia laticauda, Andinoacara coeroleopuntactus, Hoplias microlepis, Astyanax ruberrimus, and Astyanax sp2. While there was no relationship between bacterial incidence and the species captured, the findings indicate a potential risk to human health.