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Submitted August 29, 2024
Published 2024-08-30


Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Vinculación universidad y sociedad

Patrimonial Crimes of Enrichment and Criminal Policy Against Repeated Acts in the Criminal and Community Justice


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DOI: 10.48204/3072-9629.5633

Published: 2024-08-30


The crimes against economic assets punished in the Penal Code are of different nature, and there are those that are carried out with the aim of enriching themselves, of appropriating other people's movable or immovable property, in which we have the crime of theft, fraud and misappropriation, facts that the Community Peace Justice system also deals with in a similar way, as long as the amount does not exceed One Thousand Balboas ($1000.00).

The recidivism of the mentioned crimes at the level of the Community Peace Justice system is worrying, although there are no statistics available, the reality is that there is recidivism and multiple recidivism, and the State must proceed to provide an effective response, since the criminal once and He carries out these acts again, pays the fine, and repeats these actions, damaging people's economic assets.


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