Overweight and obesity are the epidemic of the century, their tendency is to increase especially in developing countries, and it jeopardizes the advances in the health of the world, which is a breakthrough to reach the Development Goals Sustainable Development, proposed by the United Nations.
We present the state of the art of the subject, linking with it the cultural aspects of the community, school and family environments. We present the epidemiological profile of the Americas and of our country.
We analyze the most used expression to define the origin of obesity the "obesogenic environment" that reinforce our argument, from the need to approach the subject with new perspectives, in a holistic way, always considering that this policy or that action must be culturally congruent, as the theory of Dr. Madeleine Leininger points out: Cross-cultural nursing.
Theory that in our opinion can give the philosophical and conceptual bases, which help in a more effective approach to this epidemic, which is decimating the world's population, especially our children and adolescents, since obesity and overweight, is closely related to a range of diseases that are accused of illness and death.